Sunday, January 14, 2007

More pictures from the phone

Was having breakfast on Saturday and took the first picture at the shop beside the coffeeshop at JooChiat. It's a tailor shop. I think they do the laundry too. I have not seen such a shop in Singapore for so long already. I remembered when I was younger (about 5-8 years old) my grandfather had this ironing shop in Chinatown which he opened with a couple of my granduncles. I remembered seeing that they are always ironing the laundry and folding them nicely or hanging them up. Sad to say, with all these re-development happening around Chinatown, the shop is long gone and I can't remember where it used to be.

Found these cans of soup at Cold Storage supermarket. Checked out the ingredients. It's actually the Scottish slang for chicken and leek soup. And no, I did not buy a can of soup that day...

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